Where To Buy Compostable Food Packaging

Where To Buy Compostable Food Packaging

Why Certifications Matter

Did you know that ‘biodegradable’ and ‘compostable’ are unregulated terms? That means any packaging company can use these terms to appear like they’re sustainable, but without certifications, it’s merely a marketing ploy without any true accountability. What’s worse, it can harm the reputation of brands that partner with them.

In the UK, the Certified Compostable Logo (under the European Bioplastics) proves compostable products are what they claim to be. It allows businesses and consumers to make informed decisions and dispose of packaging responsibly.

You should always look for the certified compostable logo and a company’s specific licence number.


Why Certifications Matter

The Challenge

There is a lot of greenwashing out there. While some packaging brands may claim their products are biodegradable or even compostable, they may actually be detrimental to the compost industry.

The Solution

Under the European Bioplastics, there are two main certified compostable logos to look out for: the Industrially Compostable logo (EN13252) and Home Compostable logo (NFT51-800). You should look for both the compostable logo and a company’s specific licence number.

The Result

By becoming aware of the certified compostable logos, businesses can confidently choose packaging distributors, and consumers can confidently purchase products knowing they’re verified against stringent criteria.

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