Our Composters


, 25 March 2022

Why do you do what you do? What is your mission and vision for the future?

We see a need to have organic material removed from landfill to help with the reduction of greenhouse emissions and assist with providing sustainable solutions

Composting organic materials at home and in large-scale facilities is part of a growing trend in Australia to better manage and re-use organic material. How does ORG fit into Australia’s composting story?

ORG acts a facilitator to businesses generating organic waste and offer those businesses a sustainable solution by collecting compostable material and delivering this material to major commercial composting facilities and or bio reactors converting organic waste to power. The organic material that remains after the bio reaction process is then also composted.

As a compost collection partner, ORG is facilitating the waste collection and commercial composting of food waste and BioPak compostable packaging. What happens after the waste is collected? What does the composting process look like at ORG?

ORG does not have it’s own composting facilities. We act as a collection service to take the material to either Soilco or Earth Power. Attached is information as to what happens to compostable material that we collect at the destinations involved


Have you had to adapt your processes to accept BioPak products?

No. As long as the BioPak products conform to the Australian standard for composting AS4736 there is no issue with these products being included with other organic material

How much compost do you produce in a year?

We don’t produce the compost. This is done by the facilities that we take the material to. We collect approx x tonnes per annum. Refer response to question 4 as to conversion of material collected to compost

Do you have to maintain any standards or certifications for the compost?

No. However the facilities that we take the material to must have complying NSW Epa Licenses to accept the material which they do.

At the end of the process, what kinds of soil are produced, and where do they end up?

The final composted material is on sold by the composting facilities as organic fertiliser one the process of composting has been completed. The fertiliser is used mainly on large scale farms and can also be used in the nursery industry.

How do you manage the risk of contamination to organic waste? I.e. non-compostable waste making its way into the waste collection bin.

Generally, we find that our customers are fairly reliable and have a green ethic and that is why they choose to have compostable collections. Our drivers will notify our operations of any contamination at the time of collection and at times will not empty the bins if the contamination is to high. We allow for a 2% contamination which is sorted out at the destination facility.

Who are your major customers?

(Use a couple of majors GPT, JLL others that we used for referees) include the following comment “ At ORG we currently have over 600 commercial customers that use our organic collection services.These customers include: Major sites (List from referees) to small cafes.

What are some of the challenges with composting?

Education and understanding as to the importance of a circular economy with regards in using organic waste as a resource rather than just putting the waste into landfill. All customer are provide with a flyer as to what can go into our bins and our bins themselves are clearly marked with what can be deposited into out bins. (See attached flyer) Training is also offered. One of the major challenges is the willingness of the management and staff (usually the staff) to actually take the time to separate the waste.

What is the best way for people to advocate for commercial composting in their city?

Education is probably the best way. An understanding of the damage to the environment is with organics going into landfill. Financially the knowledge that in each state there is an EPA levy that applies in waste to landfill. In NSW this levy exceeds $140.00 per tonne + GST. Organics that are recycled, as well as other recyclables do not attract this levy.

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